Real Estate Services

Real Estate Services

Land, particularly cropland, is a hot commodity. Studies show that the world population will hit 9 billion by 2050, and farmers worldwide will be tasked with feeding as many mouths in the next 50 years as they have over the previous 100 years. Production agriculture is steadily becoming more efficient, but there’s one thing that will not change—we can’t produce more land.

If you’re interested in buying, selling or exchanging land, you’re in the right place. Our proficiency in farm property and asset management allows us to assist you in evaluating the usage and profitability of your potential purchase or sale because factors such as soil, drainage, layout and location can greatly influence a property’s market price.

As accredited land consultants, we provide buyers and sellers in Arkansas, Mississippi, Missouri and Tennessee with complete farm and recreational real estate services, including:


  • Overview of the entire real estate process, from marketing to closing
  • Discussion about tax implications from a real estate sale
  • Identification of your goals and objectives
  • Determine the target market that will generate the highest selling price
  • Create a marketing plan that highlights the unique characteristics of your property
  • Post a large sign on property for easy identification as well as land details
  • Personal communication with the surrounding landowners
  • Personal communication with potential buyers, locally and nationally
  • Advertise in local and key market newspapers, magazines and websites
  • Regular updates on marketing activities
  • Negotiate best possible selling price and terms that meet your goals


  • Identification of locations suitable to meet your goals and objectives
  • Contact landowners about selling property not currently on the market
  • Contact other real estate professionals about their listings
  • Analyze returns on potential farm property investments
  • Facilitate showing and inspecting farms to determine actual conditions
  • Negotiate the best price and terms to meet your objectives

Browse our listings or fill out the form below to receive more information on buying or selling farmland. If you don't see what you are looking for, please contact us. A large portion of sales occur on properties not listed or advertised on the open market. We will connect you with available farms and resources that assist your investment decision.

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Why Work with an Accredited Land Consultant

Why Work with an Accredited Land Consultant